2 August 2018
Our first ever Mobile Awareness Campaign kicked off in July and August 2018! To teach students a more responsible approach to using their mobile phones, our campaign took place over two consecutive Tutor Time lessons on 19 and 26 July, and culminated in a “Mobile Awareness Day” on 2 August.
The campaign activities enabled us to focus on the responsible use of our mobile phones for both academic and social purposes. They supported our learning of “Digital Citizenship”, an important and much discussed topic among our peers. All House Tutors prepared a “Digital Citizenship” resource booklet filled with activities and we assisted in facilitating the discussion, as it was part of our CAS project.
Our “Mobile Awareness Day” was jam packed with exciting lunch activities that included board games in the Student Centre and sports activities in the Hall during both Junior and Senior lunch time. There was even a Cell Phone Prison on the stage for us to jump in and take polaroid shots!
Overall, it was an engaging, interactive and meaningful way for all of us to learn how to use our mobiles phones more responsibly.
Year 5 CAS Project Student Leaders