9 August 2020
As the purpose of this event is to increase awareness of the culture of the many different nationalities we have at ACS (International), the video included interview clips of staff and students answering the question “Where in Singapore would you go to to get a taste of your own country?” and recommending the best place to experience their home countries .It also included a display of national flags of all the nations that our school community came from and concluded with a trivia quiz on countries that contributed much to enthusiastic discussions among classmates watching the video. Despite some difficulties involved in producing the video within a tight timeline, the Peer Leaders were happy doing the project. It was also valuable time of building up teamwork and knowing more about friends and teachers in school. During our research, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we have representatives from more than 30 different nationalities around the world. For the quiz portion, I found myself at a loss to the answers too. As a Korean, I thought that the national animal of Korea was not a Siberian tiger. Later, I figured out that Siberian tiger is a name of one type of tigers that live in Korea and that Siberian tigers do not live in Siberia.
Student Reflections
The day concluded with gifts of teddy bear clothed in PE jersey with international flags –a wonderful gesture by the Parents School Partners (PSP). Although this international day was celebrated differently, it was nonetheless meaningful! – Nam Hyeonbin (Kelly), 4 TKK Peer Leader
This year’s International Day Celebration was very different from before as no booth could be set up and no celebration events could be held. However, with special thanks to the PSP, a bear gift wearing the school’s PE shirt with different countries’ flags printed on it was given to all students in the school. This memorable gift helps students to remember this special year and also reminds them to always be open-minded when they get to know different cultures. – Natalie Tan, 6 TCT, from Hong Kong
Given the circumstances, International Day went virtual this year. The video was a great way to encompass the spirits of the times whilst also sharing the small ways in which we can celebrate the diverse culture that Singapore has to offer. The bear has also been a nice addition. A friend to hug without breaking social distancing measures! – Lim Jia Ying, 6 CKS, from Malaysia
This year was special because we had to organise International Day virtually. It was a wonderful opportunity to overcome boredom and meet with my friends under lockdown. The video was amazing. The PSP’s bear gift will always be close to my heart. – Arnav Parag Salkade, 6 TKK, from India
I am immensely grateful for the countless contributions of the PSP to student welfare thus far, and as a soon-to-be Alumni, I really appreciate that I have a souvenir to remember the school. I come from Malaysia and have two young brothers I haven’t seen in a long time because of the coronavirus. So when I claimed an extra bear that my friend didn’t want, I’m positive my brothers will enjoy the bears. – Jakob Ray Yoong Wai Khuen, 6 CKS, from Malaysia
Although we could not have the regular International Day celebration this year, we were able to have an opportunity to appreciate our multicultural environment with a contribution of a bear gift from the PSP. We watched a video presentation during Tutor Time in which students shared the activities or food they enjoy when they missed their hometowns. As an international student, I could relate to their stories a lot and it made me interested in other cultures as well. – Yasumi Sakaide, 5 CKS, from Japan
I appreciate the PSP’s effort in giving us the bear on International Day. Although we could not gather in big groups and play some games, I found this year’s celebration fun too. The video, the interviews from students and teachers contributed a lot to the celebration. However, I hope that this pandemic would end soon so that we can have another celebration face-to-face. – Vo Thi Tra My, 5 CKS, from Vietnam