Frequently Asked Questions (Bali)

Will my child have to sit for admission tests?

Yes, there are admission tests for all prospective students. Those students wishing to enter the school must sit English Language, Mathematics and non-verbal reasoning tests. Interviews with prospective students are also conducted after they have sat the tests.

We are very selective of our students coming into the school and not all who have applied to us and sat for the admission tests will be admitted.

When can my child take the admissions tests?

Upon receipt of the completed application, the school will offer you a date to take the tests. These tests are scheduled on Mondays each week. You will be informed of the outcome within one week during the school session and up to two weeks during school holidays.

Are there any scholarships available?

The Foundation is currently investigating scholarships. At present there are no scholarships available.

Does ACS Bali enrol students throughout the year?

Yes! Provided that there are spaces available within that class. The only exceptions will be for Grade 9/10 IGCSE and Grade 11/12 IB Diploma level classes. As these are two-year courses, it will not be possible to enrol in these classes after the October break of the first year. This, however, will not be an issue for several years until those classes are activated.

What is the class size at ACS Bali?

Each class has a maximum of 24 students. In the Junior School the classroom homeroom teacher is supported by a Teacher Assistant.

How do I communicate with my child’s teacher/s?

The standard mode of communication is face-to-face, usually informally before or after school, or formally at parent: teacher meetings. At all other times, parents are asked to use the teacher’s school email address and should expect a reply within 24 hours, unless the teacher is unwell or on external school business such as camps.

The standard school email address is: [email protected] (eg [email protected] ). The teacher’s personal phone number is not available for school use or for WhatsApp groups.

ACS Bali – Nurturing Excellence, Embracing Diversity, Building Futures

Will a student transferring from a local Indonesian school cope with the English language?

The younger the student the better he/she will be able to cope with this transfer. Students must have at least an intermediate level of English to enter the school. Students who have limited English Language ability may need to attend extra English Language courses before admission can be considered. Without an adequate foundation in the English Language, success in all other subjects will be limited.

What is the current schedule for the school fees?

The current school fee schedule can be obtained from the school Admissions Office or from an adjacent area of this website. Fees will be reviewed by January each year for the following academic year.

Can I pay the fees in instalments?

The fees are usually paid in two instalments per year – that is each semester. In exceptional circumstances, the Principal may approve payment of the tuition fees by term (ie four times a year).

Is my child guaranteed a placement right through to graduation in Grade 12?

Students who are admitted will be able to study at ACS Bali right through until the end of Grade 10 IGCSE, provided that they satisfactorily complete each year’s work and maintain a good level of behaviour. For entry to the IB Diploma Programme in Grade 11, all students (both internal students and those entering the school at this level) must pass either the school’s Admissions tests or gain a minimum of 3 A grades and 3 B grades in IGCSE.

What if my child does not graduate to the IB Diploma Programme?

Students in this category will generally have the opportunity to re-sit the Grade 10 year in the Foundation IB class, or may be counselled towards a university foundation year, or to a polytechnic.