30 August 2021

On the D Day (D = Debate), the motions challenged and entertained all. During the group stage, we debated about The rising trend of celebrities and influencers taking key roles in activism, Legally giving parents full access to their children’s social media accounts, and Imposing significant environmental tax on fast fashion. In the final round, the motion, We should force people to sit for a mandatory Civics test before voting in National Elections, was a controversial one and the debates raised some very interesting points.

The debate was an incredible experience. I would like to thank my House mates and my team of debaters, as well as the other Houses for the strong competition they put forward and for making the experience more enjoyable, which is the ultimate purpose of IH events.

Gurnihal Singh, 6 CKS


1st: CKS

2nd: Oldham

3rd: LSG

Best Speaker: Gurnihal Singh, 6 CKS