Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

16 August 2019
Job Shadowing Industry Partners’ Appreciation Night
During the evening of 16 August, 38 distinguished guests from 26 companies arrived at ACS (International) to attend our Industry Partners’ Appreciation Night.

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8 August 2019
Commemorating the Singapore Bicentennial During National Day Celebration
The theme of this year’s celebration on 8 August was based on the Singapore Bicentennial theme of “Our Singapore”. The aim of the celebration is to show the diverse community that forms this nation while acknowledging its identity within the Indonesian Archipelago. The programme took the form of a historical journey of myths and history, present to future.
8 August 2019
International Day
As usual, International Day was celebrated this year after the National Day assembly on 8 August. Students left the Sports Hall and were greeted by the wonderful aroma of “food from around the world” and a live satay station, and were treated to free food samples from 11 countries. The food stalls, New Block classrooms, and performance tent were set up to promote a carnival atmosphere.
5 to 7 August 2019
Language Week 2019
The theme for this year's Language Week (5 to 7 August) was FOOD. All our activities and competitions revolve around the theme and it proved to be a great success. For what can be more binding than the act of eating together, let alone all the ideas that food as a sociological and cultural representation can evoke.
3 August 2019
Green Up with Choice to Run 2019
The 9th Board of Ambassadors, together with Holland Village Methodist Church (HVMC), held its annual charity event Choice to Run on 3 August. With a total of $21,888.70 collected from the run, all proceeds will go to the Methodist Welfare Services Bethany Nursing Home. Not only was this the fourth iteration but we also welcomed the most number of 178 participants and conducted a completely plastic-free event in hopes to advocate action against the very real and extremely serious threat of climate change.
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