Events & Activities
Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.
26 May to 9 June 2019
Africa CAS Trip
The annual two-week Year 5 CAS trip to Zimbabwe in late May was an amazing experience for both staff and students, having a deep impact on everyone.
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26 May to 3 June 2019
Cambodia CAS Trip
We taught, we built fences and we bonded. That is the most succinct way to describe what a group of 39 Year 5 students had done in Cambodia from 26 May to 3 June, but it was so much more than that. This was a CAS trip in its most honest sense as we all went with open hearts and a genuine indignation to bring about some sort of change in this country rising from the ruins of its turbulent past.
26 May 2019
Vietnam CAS Trip
On 26 May, 40 Year 5 students embarked on a service trip to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. None of us would have imagined that this trip would be such an eye-opening and unforgettable experience when we boarded the plane to Vietnam.
26 May to 2 June
Malaysia CAS Trip
Forty-one students and four teachers went to Kuala Lumpur for the Malaysia CAS trip from 26 May to 2 June. It was one of the most enjoyable and memorable times of our school years at ACS (International). The eight-day trip comprised two major activities – serving in a children’s home and involvement with environmental issues in a conservation project. On some days, we had time to explore the city and for some leisure.
25 May to 6 June 2019
Florida Trip
At the end of Term 2, 26 students left Singapore for the From Space To Sea Trip to Florida and The Bahamas. The trip comprised a Space phase spent at NASA, Cape Canaveral, and aSea phase spent in the south of Florida.