Events & Activities
Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.
25 May 2019
Laos CAS Trip
On 25 May, an enthusiastic group of 39 Year 5 students and four teachers departed from Singapore on a week-long service trip to Laos. This trip not only allowed us to forge new friendships, learn valuable lessons and look at the smallest bits of life with a humbling outlook, but gave us the opportunity to make lifelong memories that would resonate with us far from Non Jong Village.
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4 & 5 May 2019
Trip to Kukup, Johor
On 4 and 5 May, nine Malay Language students and four international students made a trip to Kukup, Johor, to assimilate ourselves into typical rural/suburban Malaysian lifestyle, and be able to use the language we have learned thus far with the locals there.
April/May 2019
Inter-House Competitions
A few Inter-House competitions took place in April/May:
Basketball, Touch, Story-Telling, Photography and Inter-House Music Festival 2019
28 April 2019
International Students Committee’s Outing to Sentosa
The International Students Committee (ISC) embarked on their very first outing to Sentosa on 28 April. The outing lasted from 9am to 3pm, and was one that the students will never forget.
24 April 2019
Student Leaders’ Investiture
The annual Student Leaders’ Investiture of the 15th Prefectorial Board was held on 24 April. Parents of the student leaders being invested and student leaders from other schools were invited to attend the ceremony to witness the investiture of students as school prefects.
The school thanked the outgoing student leaders of 2018 for their services to the school community and each of the Exco members gave a short speech as inspiration to the incoming school leaders.
After the formal investiture, parents and guests were invited to a tea reception where congratulatory messages and hugs were exchanged.