Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

1 April 2019
Higher Education Fair
The Higher Education (HE) Fair, held on 1 April at the Sports Hall, saw close to 50 higher education institutions and organisations exhibit the various courses which they offer. They were met with students and parents who were eager to clarify their doubts regarding admissions requirements and information on the various courses.

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30 March 2019
Methodist Walk 2019
The biennial Methodist Walk 2019 was held on 30 March, at ACS (Independent). 330 of our Junior Division students and 60 staff got off to an early start at 7am last Saturday morning, alongside 15 other Methodist Schools in Singapore.
26 March 2019
Whole-School Parent Teacher Meeting
The first of two whole-school Parent Teacher Meetings (PTMs) held on 26 March saw both morning and afternoon sessions packed with a steady stream of parents. The afternoon session was surprisingly busy with many parents still around at 4pm. Most teachers were engaging parents all day!
23 March 2019
Open House 2019
Prospective students and their parents walked through the main gate of ACS (International) as early as 8:30am at the Open House on 23 March, well received by student leaders.
9 to 16 March 2019
Ski Trip 2019
I was treading on air thinking about the fun times I would have with my friends and away from my parents for a while. The countdown of days commenced as my mom and I squandered money in every winter clothing shop we laid our eyes on. The adrenaline built up in me finally burst out as we touched down in Zurich. Our picturesque bus ride to Verbier lasted around three hours. Verbier. The world’s bustling hotspot for skiing. It was definitely a pinch-me moment as we approached the sky-high chalet.
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