Events & Activities
Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.
1 March 2019
ACSpirit de Corps 2019
This year, the traditional Back to School Party was replaced by ACSpirit de Corps and held in conjunction with Founder’s Day on 1 March. It was jointly organised by the PSP and Student Affairs (14th Prefectorial Board) as a whole- school celebration to promote the ACS spirit.
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26 February 2019
Inter-House Art Competition 2019
The Inter-House Art Competition was launched on 17 January with the aim to encourage teambuilding and to develop an awareness of the environment and conservation of resources through a process of artistic engagement.
1 February 2019
Ushering in the Year of the Pig with a Big Bang of Drums and Cymbals
This year, we celebrated the Year of the Pig in full blast on 1 February. There was a pre-event, Lantern Making competition, and on the morning, Tutor Groups participated in a contest to make the best Lunar New Year (LNY) Greetings video clip in 15 minutes.
19 & 20 January 2019
International Schools’ Debate League 2019
On 19 and 20 January, the ACS (International) Debate Society organised the 4th iteration of the Singapore International Schools’ Debate League (SISDL). Running it for the second time in two consecutive years, we successfully hosted the 42-team competition from 21 institutions locally and overseas.
19 January 2019
Cultural Orientation Tour for New International Students
Sixty-three new International students and 14 International Student Committee (ISC) members joined a Cultural Orientation outing on 19 January, organised by the ISC, with the help of seven parent volunteers, the ISPCC and one member from the HVMC.