Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

21 August 2018
The Barrett Music Competition 2018
The Barrett Music Competition featuring our best musicians has been a long-standing music tradition set up by our first Principal, Rev. Dr John Barrett, to promote an appreciation for music and to raise the standards of music–making.

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20 August 2018
Inter-House Quiz
The school ran its first Inter-House quiz in Term 3. Each House participated in a qualifying round on 20 August in which they needed to answer 10 picture-based questions, 10 general knowledge questions and 10 observation questions based on a one-minute video. All teams competed well, with the results being very close.
19 August 2018
Philharmonic Orchestra: A Melody Fantasy Came True
On 19 August, “Melody Fantasy” took place at the Victoria Concert Hall, featuring the ACS (International) Philharmonic Orchestra. The orchestra played music from various different genres, encompassing classical, romantic, and especially modern film music.
17 August 2018
ACS (International) Job Shadowing Industry Partners’ Appreciation Night
The second Industry Partners’ Appreciation Night held on 17 August was a big success. Our Job Shadowing partners from 19 different organisations attended the event. More than 50 guests enjoyed networking with people from similar and other fields, interacting with students and just chilling out in a very casual atmosphere.
17 August 2018
Inter-House Photography Competition
2018 marked the inception of the inaugural Inter-House Photography competition. This event had many participants from all Houses and in all divisions. The top entries from each division of each House were then shortlisted to be part of the exhibition.
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