Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

3 July 2018
Orientation III
To kickstart the third term, the 14th Prefectorial Board collaboratively arranged an orientation programme on 3 July to welcome 60 new students from the different regions such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.

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28 May to 2 June 2018
Laos CAS Trip
The local partner for the trip to Laung Prabang was World Volunteers (, a group specialising in small-scale development programmes in the rural areas of Southeast Asia. For this trip that took place from 28 May to 2 June (including flight time), we, a team of 4 staff and 39 students were partners in one of their sustainable clay building projects, specifically the construction of boarding facilities for a school using bricks made of clay, mud and straw at the village of Nong Jon Village.
28 May to 5 June 2018
Cambodia CAS Trip
Upon embarking on the Cambodia Service Trip 2018, there were ambivalent feelings in the air; fervour, to lend a helping hand at Kok Pnov Primary School, and uncertainty, as to what the subsequent days – in a foreign land – would hold in store for us.
28 May to 5 June 2018
Vietnam CAS Trip
On 28 May, a joyous bunch of 36 students departed Singapore for a trip that they never knew would touch their hearts in the ways it could.
27 May to 5 June 2018
US Trip
The junior educational trip to the US from 27 May to 5 June was a cultural, historical and geographical one. Each student is a unique individual with their own interests, experiences in life and cultural knowledge. With so many places to visit, things to see and things to do, there was something for everyone to learn and to enjoy.
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