Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

6 October 2021
Year 6 Leavers’ Week
On the morning of 6 October, the 17th Student Council organised the final Leavers’ Week celebration. It is an annual event to commemorate our Year 6 students’ last day before their go on study leave to prepare for the  IB examinations.

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24 September 2021
Year 4 Graduation Ceremony 2021
The Year 4 Graduation Ceremony held on 24 September was a different take from the usual ceremony held at the Oldham Chapel in previous years, with the pre-recorded event being streamed to the Year 4 tutor groups in their respective classes.
20 September 2021
Searching for Rainbow Escape Room 2021
This year, the 11th Ambassadors held a charity event entitled Searching for Rainbow from 20 to 25 September. All proceeds will go to the Rainbow Centre's new Admiral Hill campus.
17 September 2021
Year 6 IB Visual Arts Exhibition: Where We Walk
The group of Year 6 IB Visual Arts students celebrated the opening night of their exhibition on 17 September with only 20 guests, due to  the current COVID-19 SMM restrictions. The four artists, Ashleigh Yeu, Elliot Sivarajan, Tara Teo and Daisy Lyu, showcased a diverse range of art forms ranging from digital photography and painting, oil painting, sculpture in clay and resin, installation, screen-printing and charcoal drawing, etc. Their exhibition, entitled “Where We Walk” allows the viewers insights into their creative expressions and interpretations on issues that are personally relevant to them. The event was attended by the Principal, Mr Kinch, Mrs Tan, Ms Carol Ling, a few teachers and students by invitation.
30 August 2021
Inter-House Debate 2021
This year’s IH Debate competition might go down as the longest-running competition that ACS (International) has held, with the recurrent COVID-19 induced postponements resulting in seemingly perpetual delays. On the other hand, the postponements heightened the sense of anticipation and excitement around the event when it took place in August. All the teams started working in early April, primarily on the research and speech delivery aspects. The beauty and substance of IH Debate is that it demands and fosters collaboration. There were practice sessions, organised by Debate CCA, to ensure all teams understood more than just the basics of debating.
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