Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

13 October 2020
A Mini-Recital by Year 3 Music Students
On 13 October, Year 3 music students put up an informal ensemble performance examination-cum mini-recital concert, to a cosy audience of supportive  parents  and  friends.  Parents even commented that we should do this every week,  if possible.

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1 October 2020
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebration took a twist as we have to observe safe distancing while creating a festive mood.
28 August 2020
Teachers’ Day 2020
This year’s Teachers’ Day, celebrated on 28 August, was unique considering that the event took place whilst reinforcing COVID-19 safe distancing measures and was organised differently from previous years. The event started with the pre-recorded video of Bishop’s message, followed by the Methodist Schools’ Long Service Award Service.
9 August 2020
International Day 2020
International Day celebration has traditionally been a big event with a concert, free international food and activities, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this big gathering could not take place. Instead, to mark the occasion, we, the Peer Leaders, helped to prepare an International Day video to be shown to the school on 9 August after the National Day messages were read.
7 August 2020
University Application Session 2020
Year 6 students had the opportunity to attend the University Application Session conducted by the Higher Education and Careers Team on 7 August. Despite the additional effort due to the safe distancing measures, students were enthusiastic about the session. The latest changes to university admissions in light of the COVID-19 situation were shared and the students acquired tips on how to better their chances in gaining admissions to the universities of their choice.
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