Events & Activities

Sepanjang tahun, kami menyelenggarakan acara-acara penting di seluruh sekolah dan memperkaya kegiatan di dalam dan di luar sekolah untuk siswa kami.

22 June 2020
Project Step To Change
Each year, Ambassadors have been organising a big-scale fundraising project to help the underprivileged in our society. Quick to adapt to changes this year, 12 Ambassadors stepped out of their comfort zone and curated the project Step To Change in aid of MWS Bethany Nursing Home remodelling care project, sponsored by the PSP in kind and in cash. In response to the COVID-19 situation, two project arms ACShop and ACS Challenge were created. ACShop, an online market sells COVID-19 useful items such as handmade soaps, face masks, face shields and T-shirts to raise awareness. ACS Challenge encourages students to showcase their talent by making a video and collecting donations using their video. The process was filled with obstacles. Our students could not widely publicise the event during school assemblies as usual and had to use alternatives such as Instagram in order to make the project work.

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2 April 2020
Small Good Deeds, Big Friendly Faces
Initiated by the 2nd Student Affairs, Friendly Faces is a termly event to recognise students, teachers and non-teaching staff who have made a difference/impact in our lives! This event has been well received amongst the student body, and as a result, ACS (International) now becomes a friendl
3 & 4 March 2020
Academic Enrichment Programme 2020
The Academic Enrichment Programme was held on 3 and 4 March, with activities that were streamlined and catered to ACS (International)’s IBDP Year 5 and Year 6 senior students. Year 5 students undertaking their first year of the IBDP were introduced to a variety of programmes to hone their academic writing skills, as well as other IB core components such as CAS and TOK. As for the Year 6 students, they were given time and support by EE supervisors to polish and complete their EEs in focused writing sessions planned throughout the day.
22 February 2020
Thoburn House Blood Donation Charity Event
On 22 February, seven student volunteers from Thoburn House arrived at the Buona Vista Community Club to learn about a meaningful community event, organised by the Grassroot Leaders of the Buona Vista Community Club Committee. The student volunteers were engaged and eager to learn about the process of blood donating, so as to attain sufficient knowledge and experience to plan a blood donation drive independently in the future. One bag of blood can save the lives of three patients and every day, large amounts of blood are needed in hospitals for transfusions.
31 January 2020
A Unique Lunar New Year Celebration
This year, the Lunar New Year (LNY) organising committee decided to hold the usual whole-school LNY celebrations on the 7th day of the New Year instead of holding it on the eve of the LNY school break. And then the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus put everything to a stand-still. Well, almost everything.
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