Senior Division

우리는 누구 (Who We Are)

시니어 디비전은 17세에서 19세 사이의 5학년과 6학년 학생으로 구성되며, IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Program) 과정을 하게 됩니다. 대부분의 학생은 IBDP를 배우게 됩니다. 이들은IGCSE, GCE ‘O’ 레벨 또는 이와 동등한 과정을 수료하였거나 Pre-IB 및 Foundation IB (FIB)을 수료한 학생입니다. IBDP는 싱가포르 학생과 외국인 학생이 같은 비율로 구성됩니다.

시니어 디비전의 초점은IB 디플로마 프로그램 2년에 걸쳐 진보적 학업 성취, 사회성 및 지도력, 그리고 글로벌 마인드를 갖출 수 있게 하는 것입니다. 우리는 그들이 대학에 진학하여 잘 적응하고 대처할 수 있도록 전인적 접근법을 취합니다.

우리 선생님들은 모두 IB 디플로마 프로페셔널 개발 프로그램 및 IB 국제 컨퍼런스에 정기적으로 참석하고 있습니다. 또한 다양한 많은 다른 프로페셔널 개발 프로그램에도 참석합니다. 우리는 이러한 과정을 통해서 우리의 학생들이 최고의 IBDP 교육 프로그램을 받을 수 있도록 준비합니다.



커리큘럼 (Curriculum)

The IBDP is a rigorous post-secondary academic programme that seeks to develop the students intellectually, physically, emotionally and ethically. To gain both depth and breadth of knowledge, all students take six subjects: one subject per group and three Core elements, Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) over the course of two years. Three subjects are taken at Higher Level and three subjects at the Standard Level.

Each subject has internal assessments which are marked by the respective teacher supervisors but moderated by external examiners. Written examinations for the six subjects are mostly taken at the end of the second year of the programme and are externally marked.

The Core elements of Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge are assessed by coursework which are done under teacher supervision but externally marked. The IB coursework and internal assessments results in the development of independent inquiry, research and academic writing skills which are essential for studies in tertiary institutions and future work.

CAS is an element which requires students to engage in a series of different experiences and a purposeful and challenging project which involves community service. Their reflections of these experiences and the project are documented on Managebac, an online portal.

For more information about the IBDP please follow the links below:

IBO Diploma Programme

Year 5 & Year 6 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Overview

Year 5 IBDP Subject Options for 2023 Intake

IBDP Information for Parents/Students for 2023 Intake

IB Information for Y5 Parents

IBDP Information for Year 4 (presentation on 22 July 2022)

Higher Education Information

The IB Learner Profile

IBDP Examination 2021 Results

Academic Integrity Policy

IB Student Starter Pack

Year 3 & Year 4 Higher Education Presentation

ACS (International) does offer scholarships every year to eligible external students. If you wish to apply please follow the link below:

IBDP Scholarship for External Students

Subjects offered


The school curriculum and co-curricular support the development of the 10 attributes of the IB Learner Profile among IBDP students. To nurture global citizen and future leaders for the fast-changing world, we have in place a richly diverse co-curricular that aims at developing the whole person with effective social, communicative and thinking competencies in a cross cultural context. IBDP students have access to about 40 sports, interests, and arts clubs/groups and the student leadership programme.

Year 5 students are appointed to serve on the school Prefectorial Board comprising the Student Welfare, Student Council, Ambassadors and Heads of House sub-committees.

Students are also strong in community service locally and overseas. Besides the school and House charity projects the students lead in, they can go on an overseas service trip to experience another culture and to serve the community. During the school holidays, Year 5 students go on a CAS trip to places such as Zimbabwe, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam or Indonesia, where they help with the construction of a school or community facility and teach and interact with local students from poor community or in orphanages.