Events & Activities

연중 내내, 우리는 우리 학생들을 위하여 학교 전체를 대상으로 하는 주요 이벤트 및 학교 내외의 다양한 액티비티를 조직합니다.

27 May to 13 June 2018
Zimbabwe CAS Trip
During the June holidays, a group of Year 5 students travelled to Zimbabwe on their CAS trip for yet another exciting and heartwarming adventure in Africa.

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26 May to 2 June 2018
Europe CAS Trip
During the June Holidays, 17 students and three teachers embarked on a journey to visit the universities in the Netherlands and the UK. In the Netherlands, we visited three universities: University College Utrecht (UCU), Tilburg University and Erasmus University Rotterdam. We also visited three Scottish Universities in the UK: University of Glasgow, University of St. Andrews and University of Edinburgh. Lastly, we visited King’s College London (KCL) and University College London (UCL).
17 and 18 May 2018
The Trojan Women
Euripides’ The Trojan Women is a powerful indictment against the cruelty of war. It was first staged in Athens, 415 BC. For ACS (International), it was a first attempt experimenting theatre with multi-languages, incorporating German, Korean, Hindi and Chinese language within the English play, harnessing the strength of many of our students who are bilingual.
9 April 2018
Higher Education Fair Helps Clarify
Choices! Choices! Choices! Students and parents who attended the annual Higher Education Fair in April were indeed certainly spoilt for choice. Nearly 50 institutions from countries ranging from Singapore to North America to the UK and Europe to Australasia attended this year’s Fair.
24 March 2018
Open House
Open House is an important event where the school faculties and departments come together to showcase and display our wide range of academic curriculum and co-curriculum to enquiring parents and aspiring students.
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