
House System

The House System is the cornerstone of the school’s pastoral network. Each student is allocated to one of eight school Houses under the leadership of the Head of House, House Tutors and student House Prefects. The smaller student numbers of 130 per House enables a strong family environment to be maintained. Each student is known by name to their House leaders.

A friendly yet competitive rivalry between the Houses is encouraged through the various Inter-House activities that occur throughout the year.

Aims of the House System

  • To foster a collaborative environment within the school community
  • To develop a spirit of cooperation and unity within the school community
  • To develop leaders among students and teachers within the school community
  • To reinforce the distinctive ethos of the school community, thereby enhancing its attractiveness
  • To develop the IB Learner Profile and character development as outcomes within the House System

Our House Mascots

Cheong Koon Seng

Cheong Koon Seng (1880 – 1934) was one of the first thirteen students at ACS. He was a Justice of Peace, Municipal Commissioner, Auctioneer and Estate Agent. CKS’s motto is Strength, Spirit & Sanctity. Our mascot is a Shark with a Whale’s tail. Both these animals reflect our house spirit of being strong, fast, graceful and focused. The Cheong Koon Seng House verse is, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

Tan Chin Tuan

Tan Chin Tuan House is named after a magnanimous philanthropist, an astute businessman and a distinguished civic leader with an impeccable record of public service to Singapore, Tan Sri Tan Chin Tuan. TCT House upholds the values of kindness, diligence, integrity and compassion. The students of TCT are always urged to uphold these good values and the spirit of contributing generously to the needy and underprivileged. The Tan Chin Tuan House verse is, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24)


Thoburn House was named after Bishop Dr James Thoburn. He was responsible for initiating and accompanying the pioneer mission to Singapore. The overwhelming attribute shared by Thoburn’s students and staff is their positive have-a-go attitude. The Thoburn House verse is, “Not by Might, nor by Power, but by My Spirit”, says the Lord. (Zechariah 4:6)

Lee Seng Gee

Dr Lee Seng Gee was an ACSian who was also known as the “Rubber King”; he made generous contributions to the community during his distinguished career and the Lee Foundation today works towards the advancement of education, social welfare, and of course, the ACS family of schools. The motto of LSG House is Gloria Laus et Honor – glory, praise and honour to God, who is first and foremost in everything. The symbol of LSG is the Wolf – an animal who works well independently, but is stronger when in a pack – such an animal perfectly embodies the spirit of LSG! The Lee Seng Gee House verse is, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)


Oldham House was named after Bishop William F Oldham who founded ACS in 1886. The symbol of Oldham House is the Lion and our house colour is red. The staff and students of Oldham are committed to developing strong bonds and relationships with each other and aim to build a community based on teamwork, empathy and honesty. The Oldham House verse is, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1)

Tan Kah Kee

A prolific Patron of education, Mr Tan Kah Kee is synonymous with leadership, entrepreneurship, philanthropy and social reform. TKK House aims to pass on his values, developing students with strong characters who want to participate in, and contribute to their community, whether that be on the sports field, in the arts, or through service. With a team of tutors we aim to foster a friendly encouraging environment that supports our students to grow and realise their potential. The Tan Kah Kee House verse is, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)

Shaw Vee Meng

Shaw Vee Meng is a businessman and and philanthropist noted as the owner of Shaw Cinemas here in Singapore. He’s an ACSian who has donated and contributed a significant amount to Singapore. The values of the house are respect for all, Faith, happiness and generosity. SVM outworks this thorugh excellence in performance and prominence at helping out at school events. The Shaw Vee Meng House verse is, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.” (Psalm 18:2)

Goh Hood Keng

Goh Hood Keng is named after an ACS teacher of 20 years who was the first Singaporean to be ordained as a Methodist Minister and who pastored the Straits Chinese Methodist Church (Kampong Kapor Methodist Church) for 40 years. Goh Hood Keng House believes that all students should have a sense of belonging to the House and School which will help to them to achieve their best. Our knight represents the strength of our values and House. The Goh Hood Keng House verse is, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God.” (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Heads of House

The Heads of House have a coordinating role for all activities, and also oversee all pastoral aspects of the school including attendance and discipline. They are supported by House Tutors.

Mr Dayhim Djazeb

Cheong Koon Seng (CKS)

Ms Gaye Kirby

Goh Hood Keng (GHK)

Mr Lim Tse Ren

Lee Seng Gee (LSG)

Ms Koh Leng Leng

Oldham (OLD)

Mr Charles Lee

Shaw Vee Meng (SVM)

Ms Cheryl Seah

Tan Chin Tuan (TCT)

Mr Peter Talbot

Tan Kah Kee (TKK)

Ms Low Lin Da

Thoburn (THO)